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Magick vs Prayer

Updated: Apr 23, 2020

What is magick? Some believe it is the manipulation of the natural energies that surround us, and in order to tap into that energy, spells are used to focus one's intention in order to manifest a deep desire. So how is this different from praying? Repeating a chant and using prayer beads to tap into the surrounding energies, allows one to focus on a deep desire; a prayer. So why is it socially permissible to say "I'm going to go pray", but throughout history, saying something along the lines of, "I'm going to go cast a spell," has resulted in being burned at the stake?

For that, we'll have to travel back to the advent of religion. "He who controls the religion, controls the region." This has been a basic tenant of conquerors and rulers for centuries. One could argue the Roman Empire never really fell, but rather morphed into what we now know as The Holy See.

(Just an aside, and speaking from experience, if you have an opportunity to visit the Vatican, and decide to take a tour of St. Peter's tomb, don't ask the tour guide where the church has Jesus stashed, it is likely to get you escorted from the building by two guards.)

Maybe not this guard, but he knew magic!

Throughout history, religion has been used to establish norms in order to control an otherwise superstitious and unruly population. But as in any society, there were those that marched to the tune of a different drummer and had no intention of following their "religious" teachings. These groups worshipped nature, not a man.

In order to control these alleged "dissidents against the state," a propaganda war against witches, druids, and yes, magick, was launched, resulting in multiple belief systems, rooted in the laws of nature, being forced under ground.

Today, the same stigma exists and practitioners of magick are forced to do so in private for fear of what their neighbors might say. Casting spells for good using herbs, essential oils and candles do not make the practitioner evil. What makes an intention, or prayer evil? If a spell or intention is meant to do harm, then it is using negative energy and is therefore dark. By contrast, if positive energy is released in creating a spell or prayer, positivity will reign upon you.

So instead of this...

Try this ...

Prosperity Spell

Here is a prosperity spell I wrote several years ago. Who couldn't use a little prosperity right about now? Try it out, just make sure your mind and intention are clear.

What you will need:

  • A Green Candle

  • A Glass Bowl

  • 7 Coins


Place the items listed above on an alter, or a spot that is special to you. Arrange the 7 coins around the bowl, and place the green candle near the bowl. Every morning for 7 days, clear your mind and light the green candle. Stare into the candle while chanting the following mantra 7 times:

Money Flows

Money Shines

Money Grows

Money's Mine

Blow the candle out, or leave it burning (as long as you don't leave it unattended and burn your bloody house down), you're done. Nothing evil about it, and maybe it will help relieve some anxiety. Try it, I promise, you won't sprout horns and a tail. That is bullshit anyway, as evidenced in my new book...

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