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Dear Bill Maher...

Dear Mr. Maher: In a recent airing of Real Time with Bill Maher, you queried whether you thought Trump was a blackmailer. The only answer...

Pay Me to Go Away

Open Letter to Congress Regarding the Budget: I am reaching out to anyone that can help me with something I like to call Pay Me to Go...

Give the Public a Chance

Dear Senator Sanders: I have an idea as to how we can get rid of gerrymandered congressional districts. We can make those districts open...


While listening to someone attempt to define the word socialism, I was immediately reminded of the immortal words of Ferris Bueller: “Not...

Welcome to Trumplandia!

Hey, Donny boy, I’ve had an epiphany. In case you don’t know what that means, I’ll ex— … never mind. Let me just simply say that I have...

Dear Madam Pelosi:

I am writing today to offer my heartfelt congratulations on your becoming the first female President of the United States. I don’t know...

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